New York City Walking Tours and Other Sybarite Chatter

Sybarites love sensory experiences. They love the pleasure of sensory overload. This site is dedicated to the sybarite whose attention has turned to the delights of New York City. Find a NYC introduction and New York City walking tours here - designed for the sybarite in all of us.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

NYC Walking Tour - Hudson River

Harbourside/Hudson Rivers Views through Battery Park/Battery City Park/Tribeca
1 ½-2 hours
Spectacular Water and Ground Zero ViewsEasy, No Cars, No Traffic
Start at: Bowling Green Station, 4 or 5 lines. End at: Chambers Street Station: 1,2,3 lines
From Grand Central, take the 4 or 5 subway to Bowling Green. You will see water (or ask). Walk to the park on the water – that is Battery Park. Note the Staten Island ferry and historic monuments, including a castle.

Looking out at the water, walk to the right. Stay on the water – you will walk around a few building.

You will enter Wagner Park, and then Battery City Park. Stroll along the promenade until you come to a small harbour with beautiful boats. Here, stop in the food court for a snack, or at an outside café for a drink. Go into the World Financial Center atrium, and ascend to the top of the grand staircase for the best view of Ground Zero. Check out a photo here:

Continue along the water, past the park, until you arrive at the trapeze school. Cross West Avenue here, heading away from the water, and walk to Greenwich Avenue, which runs parallel to the water. This is famous Tribeca – enjoy exploring Tribeca, and feel free to stop at a great deli - Mazzoli's – which is on Greenwich Avenue– for lunch or a snack. There are places to sit and a great ambiance to enjoy/relax. After, explore Tribeca and find your way to the Chambers Street Subway station.


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