New York City Walking Tours and Other Sybarite Chatter

Sybarites love sensory experiences. They love the pleasure of sensory overload. This site is dedicated to the sybarite whose attention has turned to the delights of New York City. Find a NYC introduction and New York City walking tours here - designed for the sybarite in all of us.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

NYC Walking Tour - Greenwich Village

Low-scale New York – a true neighborhood, made famous by Bob Dylan.
The western half of Greenwich Village, along Bleeker Street
1 hour
Easy, Few Cars, Little traffic
Start at: Christopher Street station of the 1 or 9 line.

Go west on Christopher one block to Bleeker, and take a right. Walk to Eight Avenue on one side of Bleeker, and return on the other side. Continue on Bleeker across 7th avenue, 6th avenue, and take a left on MacDougal. Continue past NYU Law to Washington Square Park. Walkdiagonally though the Park to 8th Street and follow 8th east to University. Take a left (north)and stroll to 14th Street/Union Square.


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