New York City Walking Tours and Other Sybarite Chatter

Sybarites love sensory experiences. They love the pleasure of sensory overload. This site is dedicated to the sybarite whose attention has turned to the delights of New York City. Find a NYC introduction and New York City walking tours here - designed for the sybarite in all of us.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

NYC Walking Tour - Chinatown and Little Italy

Chinatown, Little Italy, Nolita
1 hour
Ethnic Delights, Hectic
Lots of crowds – fun for most, but a bit daunting.
Start at: Canal Street subway of 6 lines

Walk east on Canal to Elizabeth Street. Take a right (south). Continue one block and take a second right, and then an immediate third right on Mott. Conttinue north on Mott, across Canal, Grand, and Spring – to Prince. At Prince, go left. Ar Broadway, go right and contnune one block to the Houston Streeet subway.


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