New York City Walking Tours and Other Sybarite Chatter

Sybarites love sensory experiences. They love the pleasure of sensory overload. This site is dedicated to the sybarite whose attention has turned to the delights of New York City. Find a NYC introduction and New York City walking tours here - designed for the sybarite in all of us.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

NYC Walking Tour - Soho Nolita Lower East Side

Soho, originally uploaded by Cindy T.

South of Houston, West of Broadway
1 hour
Easy, Few Cars, Little traffic
Start at: Spring Street subway of 6 line


Take the 6 train to Spring Street. Walk west on Spring to Broadway(three short blocks – you will pass famous Balthazar’s, where you should stop and enjoy. Continue on Spring to West Broadway, and turn right (north). Stroll up West Broadway one block to Prince,and go right again. Explore side streets Mercer and Wooster. Return to Spring Street Station.


Continue on Spring to Elizabeth and turn left. Go one block to spring and turn left again. Return to Lafayette, and turn left again, back to Spring Street station.

Lower East Side

If the spirit moves continue to the Lower East side. To do this, continue on Spring (see Nolita above) past Elizabeth, to the bowery. Take a left and continue to Houston (short walk). Turn right on East Houston. Walk to Katz's, the world-famous pastrami sandwich haven. See a picture of Katz's at:

From Katz's, find Ludlow Street, and turn right (South). Stanton and Ludlow is more-or-less the center of the Lower East Side. Explore to your heart's content. You will find miracles everywhere, including Orchard Street, which has everything from underwear to sushi.


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