New York City Walking Tours and Other Sybarite Chatter

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

NYC Walking Tour - Times Square

Times Square, New Years Eve, originally uploaded by Lance McCord.

To get there: From Grand Central, take the shuttle. The 1,2,3,9,N,R,C,E and W trains all stop there.

Tour time; one half hour (depending on stops).

Hopefully, you will find a way to do this walk at night, when Times Square sparkles. Start your walk at 42nd street and Broadway avenue, where you exit the subway. Walk north on Broadway to PIXS, the discount theater ticket outlet, in the center of Time Square. You may want to but theater tickets here - just stand in line. Best time to buy - 3 p.m.

Continue from there up Broadway, to Columbus Circle at 60th Street. Check out the new Time Warner Building at Columbus Circle (especially Whole Foods in the basement).

Return from Columbus Circle to 44th Street on 8th Avenue. Turn left on 44th, and return past the theaters to Broadway.

There is plenty to see and do and eat. Make sure you don't miss Virgin Records and Toys R Us.


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